Monday, March 9, 2009

Mice, taxes and swim lessons

I missed blogging yesterday because I spent the time I normally spend blogging and reading blogs, doing our taxes instead. We're getting back from both Federal and State. I filed our State taxes online today. I'll mail Federal. I don't own a tax software program (I kind of feel with how simple our taxes are, all those college tax courses I took should be sufficient, and they are), so I don't have a good way to file online. I guess I could ask to do it through work. But I'd just as soon not.

Last night Mr. Incredible went to the garage to check on "his" mice. Really, this is getting ridiculous. Did I tell you that the morning after the one jumped in his sweatshirt while he was relocating 2 of them, 4 were back in the seed? Well, he went out last night to relocate them. You'll never guess what he found. Three mice in a corner of the garbage can huddled together looking scared and one dead mouse. Mr. I. says he was murdered (and partly eaten). He got the deceased body out of the bird seed (I didn't ask how, I've stopped questioning things). Then he left the other three in there. There's not really any chance anything else could have gotten in there and killed him. The lid was closed, so it would have had to be something small enough to fit through the hole they've been using or something that closed the lid behind it when it left.

What I want to know is, "what did he do to make the others kill him?" Really, I mean did he annoy them so much they killed him? Did he threaten them and it was self-defense? Did he piss them off? Was it some sort of accident (like when someone backs into your knife 40 times)?

Tonight the three survivors were still in there. Mr. I. moved them to the back yard. The saga continues.

Violet had her first swim lesson tonight. She was pretty nervous, but she did great. She kept up with the class and she said the teacher told her she was good. She's ready to go back again. I like this place because they remain at their level as long or as short as they need to. Whenever a kid is ready, they'll move them to the next level. I like that there won't be a situation where the rest of the class "passes," but you don't. They'll each move at their own pace and the class will evolve as kids quit or move on to a new level. Violet is a level 2. I read through their levels and I'd like her to get through level 3. I'll feel very confident with her swimming in most pools if she's a level 3 graduate.

Tomorrow is a stay at home day! Yippee!


Mother Mayhem said...

I'm so proud of Violet! :o)

Mice? Shudder.

We're being overrun by spiders. EEK!

Garden State Kate said...

My brain is still going..
"he left them there?"
hope it works out.