Thursday, February 6, 2014


Freakmom applauds CVS for their announcement to stop selling cigarettes.  I think this move is long overdue, but I would never had expected to see it.  We have "come a long way baby" in the anti-tobacco movement.

Remember when cigarette ads were prevalent?  Joe Camel and the Marlboro man.  Those days are gone.  Both are dead and buried from lung cancer and emphysema.

How about smoking in offices?  I once turned down a job because I would have had to share an unventilated basement office with 2 smokers.  Well, there were other unappealing parts of the job as well, but I really didn't want to sit in that office all day with them puffing away.  I wrote a position paper in college once about banning smoking in the workplace.  While I got an A on the paper, the smoking teacher said "yeah, that will never happen."  Her reason, smoking was as addictive as heroin.  My response?  I don't want my employees doing heroin in the office either.  (Boy, am I a smart mouth or what?)

Now there's no smoking in most public buildings (depending on what state you live in, your mileage may vary).  Some places have no smoking anywhere on the grounds.

Yes, CVS has made a giant step forward for public health.  Every little step gets us closer to being a healthier society. 

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Oh Willie, Say It Isn't So

Yep, Woodstock Willie saw his shadow this morning.  Six more weeks of winter.  What are the odds that the first sunny day we have in weeks is on Groundhog Day!  Guess we're in for more freezing, ice, snow (lather, rinse, repeat). 

I did hear that February is supposed to be worse than December or January were.

Today is the Puppy Bowl, so we'll be watching.  I think there's some other sports event going on, but I'm not sure.  I don't care.  The puppies are so darned cute!

Speaking of puppies, we need kitty food.  We're really, really low.  I know Monday and Tuesday are going to be busy days for me, and Violet has art both nights, so unless Mr. I can go one of those days, I need to run to Walmart today.  Joy. 

I do want to pick up some stuff for our Valentine's Day Juliette meeting.  We're going to attempt to make chocolate pizza and peanut butter cups.  I like these recipes because both are supposed to set up before you eat them.  Which means they'll need to take them home first.  Which means I don't have to hear "can we eat them now?"  And have them all eat a ton of chocolate right before lunch. 

I looked at the sock bunny Violet made at the library, it is super simple!  I found a bunch of polka dot socks online and ordered them with the dues money.  We'll make them later in the month.  I'll post a photo blog of how they are done when I do my sample.

Mr. I and were just talking about 2 years ago.  We had a blizzard, more than 2 feet of snow on Groundhog Day.  They canceled Willie completely.  It isn't an all bad gig to be the groundhog.  Sometimes you do get to take a snow day.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Groundhog Eve

My long time readers will know, Groundhog Day is a big deal around here.  The movie Groundhog Day was filmed in Woodstock, just down the road.  (I like say we're from Woodstock, we just live a little outside the city limits - about 10 miles within the city limits of another town.)  Mr. I's business is in Woodstock, on the Square - which played the part of Punxsutawney in the film.  Today is Groundhog Eve and there's tons to do to prepare for Woodstock Willie's appearance tomorrow morning.  (Who's the Phil guy people talk about?  Willie is the true groundhog.)

All weekend the movie is playing at the local theater for free.  Where else can you go to see a movie that's more than 20 years old?  Expect a crowd.  There was a bowling event benefiting a group Mr. I is involved with.  You could go on the walking tour of the sites - but I wouldn't recommend it.  It snowed all day and is cold.  You can do the same tour in the summer.

Want to see more Woodstock?  Check out the Wikipedia link.  The store Sewing Concepts in one of the photos? That's where Violet learned to sew a couple of summers ago.

Other movies have been filmed here (well, one or two at least, parts of them) but none have captured the hearts of the locals like Groundhog Day. 

So set your alarm clock, you don't want to miss it!