Thursday, November 25, 2010

Now for some good craft work

Ever wonder what Violet does when I'm tied up with work? She goes through the craft books and makes awesome projects. Like these spool people. We couldn't find any wooden spools, but her grandfather came to the rescue with dowel rod:

Those are umbrellas that they are holding. The brown coil is an umbrella stand.

Isn't she talented? I should leave her without adult supervision more often.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


I learned to knit yesterday. Well, "learned" is probably too strong of a word. Violet and I had our first knitting lesson. An aunt of some homeschool friends of Violet taught us during their book club meeting. They read the historical American Girl series. Knitting fit right in with the books. I don't usually sit in on book club, but I wanted to learn to knit too.

As you can see from my first finished piece I need to practice.

I gave it to Violet to be used as a blanket for her dolls (The McDoll Family). I think the McDoll's are going to donate it to a homeless shelter who will then donate it to the pet rescue. The dogs might deem it worthy to sleep on. Maybe not. There are a lot of holes in it.

Anyone know why I'm getting holes? I know I added stitches as I went and that is why it isn't rectangular.

I left all the imperfections in it instead of trying to fix my mistakes. (Don't tell our instructor, she recommended ripping out rows and starting over. I will eventually but not yet.) For one, it cracks me up to see what a state it ended up in! And for two, it was just a practice piece and is supposed to look like I'm just learning.

I'll keep practicing. But so far, it is the best knitting I've ever done. Can't beat that!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Behind What?

I can't keep up with life at the moment. I'm working full time, running the house, and homeschooling. I decided at least through thanksgiving, and probably until January the only subjects we are doing will be: math, grammar, spelling, history and thinking skills (a Critical Thinking Company workbook Violet loves). She can special request other subjects, but they won't be planned. So far she has opted for open swim (which I am all in favor of because it is the only exercise I get), cooking and lots of art projects she does on her own (all over the kitchen, dining room and family room!).

Good thing I'm pretty experienced at this homeschool thing or I would be worrying that she's going to fall behind in science, Latin, logic and anything else we're skipping. But other than science, they don't even DO those subjects in public school 6th grade. Say it with me Homeschool Moms, "behind what?"

So while she thinks she's getting off easy, she's actually still likely doing more academics than her peers. Homeschool moms can be evil, can't we?