Friday, February 13, 2009

Didn't I say it would happen?

Nothing to do the first half of the week. I had to resort to vacuuming! Egads! Then on Thursday, the day I have to run all over and am booked solid (well, in my little brain at least) it all starts coming in. It all has to be done right away.

Well, it didn't get done right away. But I did write up my work to do list first thing this morning and sent to the powers that be, with my clear time frame of when I expect to have it done. They were happy with it. I can relax for a few hours. We have more errands today, but they are easier than yesterday.

We saw the musical, The Phantom Tollbooth at the theater yesterday, school day performance. It was pretty good. Violet enjoyed it. She started the book but didn't get through it. I think now she may tackle it again. It was my absolute favorite book as a kid.

The theater was full. That hasn't happened in a long time. We had balcony seats along with all the other homeschoolers.

Last night I had a Girl Scout service unit meeting. We had really low attendance. I read the leaders the riot act about not properly turning in their paperwork to me and explaining how I have to complete it if they don't. While I don't mind doing a form here and there, we have over 60 troops in our service unit. That's too many. I also had long talks with our membership director (the Council-paid rep) and my mentor. According to my membership direction I'm not the only one with complaints about some Council procedures. She's going to see if they can figure something out to help us volunteers. And my mentor said I was in all rights to be a bit irritated with some other things that are going on. My mentor has done every volunteer job there is. And she tells it straight. If things are falling to me that should be my responsibility she'd say so. The things I wasn't happy with, she said shouldn't be happening. I'm going to work with our service unit director to address these issues (the service unit director is another volunteer for those of you who don't speak Girl Scout - of course, you've probably already skipped to the next paragraph).

Gosh, I think I got that out of my system. Whew. Anyway, today has begun. Time to get moving. I'll be back with more updates when I can. Enjoy your Friday the 13th!


Garden State Kate said...

Vent away! I hope the issues get resolved, and your day goes smoothly.

MOM #1 said...

That's what blogs are for - ventilation! Hope your Friday the 13th worked out Okay.

Mother Mayhem said...

Emily didn't get through The Phantom Tollbooth either. I admit to being a little disappointed. It was my favorite book too! ;o)