Monday, February 9, 2009

Caught up

I find myself today in unfamiliar territory. I am caught up. I have nothing pending to do for work. I am ready to go with homeschool (or at least as ready as I ever am, I never do lesson plans or anything, we fly by the seat of our pants, but know what subjects and general work we will cover). I have nothing waiting for me with my multiple volunteer positions in Girl Scouts. I am caught up.

Well, don't look at my messy house or the lack of menus for the week or the pile of laundry. Let me bask in my caught-up-ness.

I worked extra hard this weekend to get everything done for work. There is still hope we will get that big chart review project. Not a lot of hope, but a little. Even if we don't it feels wonderful not being behind the eight ball.

I spent the last hour making a library list for history and geography for the next few weeks and requested a ton of books on interlibrary loan. I went to the grocery store before dinner while Violet hung out with Mr. Incredible. Soon I'm going to plop down on the couch with a Suduko puzzle or three and relax. Then go to bed.

I can't remember where I left you last in the saga of Mr. I's job. He's gotten a 25% paycut. But they's upped his workload and responsibilities through the month of February. He'll likely have to travel to Minneapolis at the end of the month. He is so stressed out. He's really, really hoping once this big project is over he can cut back his hours to match his pay cut. And work from home most of the time. But really, what can he do if they say no? Quit? Yeah, like he can find something else. Sigh. It will work out. It could be a lot worse. March will be better.

In the meantime, I'm trying to do all the work I can to earn some extra money. You never know, tomorrow may bring an avalanche of more work. Or not. I'm hoping for an avalanche, but the break is nice. I'm enjoying it while I can. And hoping it doesn't last too long.


Burb Bunny said...

Upped his workload, but cut his pay? Something isn't quite right about that. Hmph.

Praying for a better March for all!

Garden State Kate said...

I hope it gets better and soon for you all.(hugs)
Yeah you being caught up!!

Maddy said...

It's always a two way route, trying to 'enjoy' the lull but worrying about how long the lull will last = makes my head hurt just to think about it.
Best wishes