Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Those Darn Bunnies!

I went out back to check on the garden this afternoon (actually, I went out to dry off the swings so Violet could play on them after the rain stopped and wandered by the garden while I was out) and low and behold, the bunnies have eaten Violet's sunflower sprouts! Nibbled them right down to the ground! Every one of them!

Argh! Bunnies, we would have given you the sunflower seeds when the plants grew up and had flowers. We would have shared. But no, you got too hungry now even though there is green stuff all over the yard to eat. No, I don't mean the rest of the garden. Eat the grass, the thistles, the dandelions. They are all yummy. Even the clover, yum clover. Eat that. Please stop eating the garden.

What a bummer.


Gerky said...

Oh no! I am so sorry! I have been holding my breath on the bunny situation around here. I have 10 cabbage plants planted and we have not put the fence up. I am just waiting for the bunnies to eat them all. I guess I really need to get DH to put that fence up. I hope they don't get the rest of your garden too.


dariasmama said...

Bleh! I know cayenne pepper will keep cats out of the garden. Wonder if it works on bunnies?

Red said...

OK, when we lived up north (man do I miss those dyas) we had a lovely garden and we planted sunflowers, but who do you think got to eat them? Us? No way Jose, the darned tootin' squirrels.

But that was all they got so there, *sticks out tongue*

Anonymous said...

I also miss my garden from up near the Canadian border. The only thing I can grow here(Florida) is my herbs.
Never had bunny issues, not sure what you can do!

Anonymous said...

Ever think of getting a beagle?