Friday, June 20, 2008

The sleepover that wasn't

Yesterday Red was sleeping over at our house. Earlier this week her mom had surgery and was at home recovering. We'd planned to have Red over to give her mom a bit more peace and quiet. I'm afraid it backfired.

Out of the blue about 9:30 Red announced she couldn't sleep here. She asked to call home. She talked to her dad tearfully for about 10 minutes, then said he was coming to get her (they live across the street). Violet and I helped her get her things and we asked if we could change anything for her so she could sleep here, make it darker, lighter, quieter, cooler in the room. No, she just wanted to go home. Poor kiddo.

I hope we didn't do anything. Violet wasn't sure but thought she just wanted to go back home. I hope it was just the strain of having her mom in for major surgery and in the hospital for 3 days just kind of got to her and she wanted to be in her own bed.

After she left Violet was really sad, but she hid it from Red. I told her how good that was of her. Red didn't need to feel guilty on top of whatever else was bothering her.

Tinkerbell is supposed to sleepover tomorrow night. Will we be too freaky for her? I'm thinking her freak tolerance is higher because she homeschools too.

I'll call Red's dad in a bit and see how she is. I hope we didn't do anything.


Maria said...

I wouldn't sweat this. I think it's pretty typical. There are times when my dd doesn't want to stay over night or just calls us to come get her. Recently we had a sleepover planned and she decided she didn't want to for whatever reason...I think you did the right thing, respecting her space and desire to leave. She's had a lot on her plate what with mommy in surgery...that could worry her...don't take it personally! I would think that because of the fun she had and the respect you gave that next time she'll be inclined to stay over again!

MOM #1 said...

Oh, I don't have a little girl, but from what I hear from my sister and niece, it's a regular occurrence.

My niece LOVES to have sleepover parties and my sister says that at least one little girl always decides to go home in the middle of the night. I'm not sure why their parents send them if they aren't up for it. I guess they are hoping that time would be the charm.

When I was young, I NEVER went to any sleepovers because I was afraid to admit that I was afraid of the dark. Shoot, I'm still afraid of the dark! I can't sleep unless I have the tv on, with the volume muted. It's just for the light. Some of us never grow up!

Anonymous said...

I think she may have missed her mom.