Saturday, April 26, 2008

Hanging in there

This has been an absolutely insane week. I had the root canal on Monday. The volunteer banquet on Wednesday. So far this week I've put in 27 hours for work (15 hours is my comfortable level). Hosted a playdate with a new girl Violet met recently. Did all the regular cooking, cleaning, errands, etc. (Well most all the regular cooking, we had a few easy meals like frozen pizzas).

Is it any wonder I completely forgot about open gymnastics yesterday?

I meant to ask Violet if she wanted to go. I really didn't think she would. She's been in a stay home and play outside mood all week. But I meant to ask.

Tonight Super Grandpa arrives to stay with us 2 nights. We still have to decide what to do tomorrow. I'd like to go someplace so I don't sit home and work. I need a break. There is an open house at one of the camps Violet and I are going to this summer. I suggested we go there, then go hiking somewhere nearby. Hiking is one of Super Grandpa's all time favorite activities. The camp is right on a big river and there are a lot of parks and forests within a few minutes of it that we could go to. We'll see what happens.

The flowers are starting to bloom and the leaves are popping open. I can feel spring down in my lungs. Must take more allergy tablets....


Fatcat said...

I have 'absolutely insane' weeks, don't you? I need my downtime!

Anonymous said...

Have fun with Super Grandpa!

Maria said...

Just catching up with your blog after somewhat of a Internet've been one busy chick! I love your references to Violet interviewing new friends...and "some of them could stand to go"...ah, yes....I know how that goes...

Good to catch up!