Thursday, April 9, 2009

Typing Troubles

I am having trouble typing. Last night while slicing potatoes for dinner, the knife slipped and I cut my left index finger tip quite badly. The bleeding wouldn't stop for over an hour. I'd apply pressure, it would stop, I'd move the gauze off, it would start again. Finally it stopped for good, but I took a slice of skin off the tip so it is really sore and typing is painful. Seven finger typing isn't that easy.

Since I have more typing I have to do for work, my blogging and forum posting will be limited for a bit. I hope it is better tomorrow.


Obi-Mom Kenobi said...

Ouch! I hope it heals up soon.

Wendy said...

Oh my gosh. Take it easy. Blogging isn't as important as healing!

Ami said...


Cooking... good. Cutting yourself... not so good.

But you know, you could just blog one-handed.


Mother Mayhem said...

EW! Sorry. :o(

Garden State Kate said...

Sorry to hear about your finger!!
Thank you for your kind words about
my Gram.