Friday, April 10, 2009

Totem pole craft

The finger still hurts when I type (or get it wet, or bump it) but it is healing. I'm getting a bit better at 7 finger typing.

Next week I want to have Violet make a totem pole as part of history/American Indian studies, but I don't have a plan as to how to do it. Have any of your kids made one and would you mind sharing how you did it? Mr. I. said he made a cool one as a Boy Scout with wooden spools threaded on a dowel rod and painted. I like the sound of it but don't have the supplies and really don't want to make a trip to the craft store (It is 2 towns away and I always spend too much money when I go there). I have so many recycled things I've saved for crafts, seems like there must be totem pole parts in one of my boxes. I just don't know what parts I'm looking for yet.

I'm going to read my craft books and see if I can find an idea, but you are all so crafty and smart. :bat eyelashes: You must have some good ideas.

Just so it doesn't involve a sharp knife. I'm not even using a dull butter knife yet. There goes my culinary career unless I can be a chef who only uses uncut, unchopped, full pieces of whatever the ingredient is.


Ami said...

Paper towel tubes and papier mache... and then paint and stuff.

Mother Mayhem said...

How about clay or Sculpey?