Monday, April 6, 2009

Dodging a Bullet

We did get about 2 inches of snow. Not too much in the way of ice. So I went to my meeting. We all griped about having to drive in the snow.

Long time readers will remember the hell evil ex-co-leader put me through. Well, her name came up at the Service Team meeting last night. We were braining storming victims, I mean volunteers to try to recruit for open positions. They asked if she'd gotten any better (apparently she really riled some feathers her first year as a troop leader). I told them no, she hasn't. She and her family have been booted from at least 5 or 6 homeschool groups because they can't get along with others (understatement of the year). On my word they took her name off the list.

Thank goodness. I can't work with that woman again. Anyone new to my blog (and I've since deleted the posts I wrote about her) will probably think I'm exaggerating. I'm not. She's a bully and verbally harasses people. She will sabotage others' plans. She will tell you she can't keep friends and she has to be either completely in charge or not involved. She's not kidding. She's also raising her kids to be bullies. Many of us no longer want our children playing with hers. She's pure evil. I have a whole list of her "disposable friends" (term compliments of another of her ex-friends) who will back me up on that.

Yep, our service unit sure dodged a bullet last night.


Obi-Mom Kenobi said...

Wow, I think her evil twin lives in town here!

Wendy said...

Thank goodness you had only a little snow AND avoided having to work with the evil one again. It sounds like you had two reasons to sigh with relief!

Mel said...

I stopped participating in one local group because of a woman, actually two of them but one was way more vocal, just like you described...why is there always one in every homeschool group?? LOL