Saturday, April 25, 2009

Not so far behind

While I'm not exactly caught up, I'm not as far behind as I usually am.

I am waiting for answers from other people for everything for work. I have plans for homeschool for the coming week. Granted they aren't formal or even well thought out, but I can wing it with what I've got. I placed the order from Rainbow Resources I've been researching for a week or so. I have a few Girl Scout things to do, but nothing urgent. And I need to get our camp forms sent in, but I have time.

My father-in-law is staying with us this weekend. He had a meeting in the City today. Tomorrow we are all supposed to go to an outdoor family fun science fair. The forecast is for thunderstorms and rain. Not sure that we will actually go. We probably will. We'll probably get wet.

What I ordered was some more Young Scientist Kits. Violet wanted a couple of Mind Bender books. And we're going to try Novel Thinking. I ordered Charlotte's Web and In Their Own Words: Abraham Lincoln.

I know, a few weeks left to go in the school year probably isn't the time to place a new order. But, I have the money now. Who knows what will happen with our jobs by fall. And Violet was enthusiastic about trying some of it now. That may be gone by September.

Strike while the learning iron is hot.


Maddy said...

I know that feeling of catching the enthusiasm whilst it's there. Let's hope we can all ride out the storm.
Best wishes

MOM #1 said...

Definitely strike while the iron is hot. That's why we "sporadic homeschool," LOL.

I love those Young Scientist Kits. They have so much cool stuff in them.

Mother Mayhem said...

I don't want to think about hot anything. It was already in the 90s over the weekend, and it's not even summer yet! Gack!

Dana Leeds said...

I've bought some "new" stuff in the last few weeks, too. When you can, you can! :-) And, sometimes we just need/want something "new."