Monday, April 27, 2009

Rained out

It poured on and off all day Saturday and all Sunday morning. We didn't know if they'd move the Family Outdoor Fun Day indoors. If not, even if it quit raining, there was going to be a soggy mess outside. We all voted to change our plans. We went to the Burpee Museum and the Discovery Center instead. If you are ever in the Rockford area, both are time well spent.

Mr. Incredible and Grandfather had never been to the Burpee. While we like the Burpee (well, I do more than Violet), we were trying to rush them along so there'd be time to go to the Discovery Center as well. Discovery is much more hands on and far more interesting if you are 9.

On the way home we were all hungry, but we also knew that Grandfather had a long drive home ahead of him and didn't want to be any later than he had to be. I mentioned that it was too bad we didn't have our local pizza place's phone number with or I could call and order a pizza for pick up. Mr. I. remembered that he had Goog 411 programmed into his cell phone. You dial 1-800-GOOG-411 and tell the computer the business name, city and state that you want. It will confirm the address of the business with you then connect you. The service is free. Our large cheese pizza was ready for us when we drove into town. It was awesome! I have to remember to program that into my phone too.

Today we were back to school. Violet had a swim lesson tonight. She is doing so well. I told her that she's welcome to continue through summer and into the fall (I'd like to stop next winter when we have to worry about snow and ice), but that she's already to the point that I'm happy with her swimming. My goal for her was to be able to pass the deep water swim test at camp. I think she can. She might have trouble with the treading water, but the swimming she can do. Last week they treaded water for 40 seconds and Violet said that was hard. I'm thinking she may have to do a minute at camp. I also feel her swimming is good enough for her to go off to a pool (with a lifeguard) without me or Mr. I along. (Not by herself of course, but with a friend's family I mean.) Violet wants to keep going for now.

More school tomorrow. And I have an early morning update call with my boss who hinted she had more work to assign me. I've had a few days off, so that is a very good thing.


MOM #1 said...

I'm glad you made the best of your soggy day. We've been having lots of rain here too, record rains, what a trip.

Violet can come teach me how to swim, all I've mastered is "how to sink like a rock" class. It was easy. ;-)

Mother Mayhem said...

Treading water will help her build muscle and stamina. :o)

I'm too chicken to get in water.