Monday, December 31, 2007

A new start

I got up this morning deciding to make tomorrow and the new year a brand new start. Well, not a brand new start, just a much needed adjustment to my attitude of late. I've been dragging around, down in the dumps the last couple of weeks and starting tomorrow that is going to change. (Actually, I've already started feeling tremendously better since I've decided to.)

I've often believe that happiness can only come from within. We all know those people, the Eeyores of our lives, who go around moaning and complaining all the time. We all have our days when we turn in to Eeyores too. (A few people never turn into an Eeyore but most of us real people have our less than stellar days.) But some are constantly down and trying to drag everyone else with them. Luckily I learned early on in adulthood that I am responsible for my own happiness and if I choose to be happy, then I will be happy.

Anyway, back to my point. The last few weeks I've been feeling really down and put upon by many people in my life. I think it started when I was sick. I just never really shook it. It seemed like everyone was trying to make my life harder than it needs to be. I couldn't get anyone to listen to me. I felt like people were ignoring me and not respecting me.

Well, I'm now not letting them dump on me. I am back in control of my life and my happiness. I am as happy as I want to be. And only I can be responsible for my happiness.

I know this is probably cryptic to some of you. I apologize. I thought about explaining all the stupid little things that I've been letting get to me lately. But I decided that would be counterproductive.

If you are looking for a great post about resolutions check out Ami Mental's blog. Her story about her friend Rosemary is a wonderful read.

Happy New Year everyone!


Anonymous said...

Happy New Year! ;o)

MOM #1 said...

Happy New Year!

Have a Great 2008!

Donna said...

Happy New Year!!!!!
I agree with everything you wrote!
I too am going to try and be a more possitive person even though those around me can try and be such downers.....
I wish you the best : )