Saturday, October 25, 2008

So many random thoughts

I have had so many random thoughts since I posted yesterday that I could write 3 or 4 entries. But I think I'll just summarize what I can remember and let you all enjoy your weekend.

My back is feeling much better. It was weird. I don't know how I suddenly hurt it, then it got better. It is still a bit sore, but not like before.

Overall I'm feeling better too. We're making progress. Mr. Incredible and I talked last night and both think it makes more sense to stay where he is for now (at least as long as he can) and not jump from one sinking ship into a ship potentially sinking even faster. He's going to do more with his side gigs of podcasting and such. He thinks he can make a go of some of his projects. I suggested he spend his extra energy (ha, like any of us have that) getting his side business incorporated and expanding.

Even though she's perfectly healthy, in Illinois it is a good idea for homeschool kids to have regular doctor visits and a relationship established with a physician who can vouch that there is no abuse or neglect going on. Illinois has no regulation of homeschoolers at all. No testing, no attendance records, no request form, no meetings with teachers, no portfolios. Nothing. Many times when they want to question homeschool families they go the route of neglect or abuse. Whether it be physical, mental, emotional or social. Our state homeschool organization recommends if a truancy officer ever shows up to go straight to your doctor's office for a full physical of the kid and have the doctor document that there is no sign of abuse or neglect.

Before we go to her doctor's appointment next week I have to coach Violet on the importance of speaking up and answering the doctor's questions. She has a tendency to clam up. They'll ask her name at a reception desk or check in and she won't tell them. She'll be asked a question and she'll clamp her lips shut and refuse to say. Part of the problem is a lot of their questions are skewed to public school kids and she doesn't know how to answer them. Not all though. I want to hit her upside the head sometimes to reset her brain and get her to speak. I understand the overwhelming shyness. Been there. But sometimes she has to get over it and speak.

I keep forgetting to get the Halloween decorations out of the basement and put them up. Violet points some out whenever we drive anywhere and I say I'll get ours out. Then I forget. I guess she isn't in too much of a hurry or she'd be actually reminding me.

I need to breakdown this weekend and buy a bigger sized pair of jeans. I can't cram into my old ones anymore. Last winter I gained weight. I'd hoped to lose it over the summer. Guess I didn't make that deadline. I think I gained more. Sigh. I blame the government. And the banking industry. I'm sure it is their fault.

My horoscope today says I should be productive in the morning because by evening I'll have more to do and won't get anything done. Guess I better get to work.


Mel said...

I do yearly well checks for the same reason and not because I think she needs them. The kid is never sick. I'm just covering my butt if something ever came up later. They are a huge waste of time though. B is opposite of your daughter tho, she won't shut up! She will talk and talk and talk despite my wanting her to as she can say TOO much sometimes. Drives me crazy! I'm a quiet shy person myself.

Fatcat said...

My back does that every now and then, maybe once a year.

My daughter clams up when anyone talks to her too. I have to order for her in restaurants and talk to the pediatrician for her, even though we've been going to the same wonderful pediatrician all her life.

MOM #1 said...

Oh, I despise back pain. I'm glad you're feeling a little better.

We have no regulation of any kind either. It's nice. It never occurred to me to go to the doctor for recording's sake.

Baby Boy and I spend plenty of time at the doctor already, so I guess they know he's all right.

I think the government and the banking industry must have been messing around with my weight too, because it's definitely up.

Maybe it was that alien abduction episode. I haven't fit in my skinny jeans since that night. ;-)