Friday, January 4, 2008

The cookie sale starts tomorrow

And Violet is ready! She's got her order forms filled out. (I snagged extra forms from the cookie chair so one is on its way to my office, one will go to Mr. Incredible's office). She's made posters for our offices as well. She's got her sales plan, head north on our street where we don't think any other Girl Scouts live. Her best friend Red lives across the street and is a Brownie too, but she wasn't planning on doing any door to door sales. And she's got 25 door hangers filled out to leave for families who aren't home to be able to place their order directly with Council and she still gets credit for the sales. That is new this year. I'm not sure how many sales she'll get like that if any, but she figures she won't get any if she doesn't hang them out.

Her goal is 150 boxes so she can earn the Build-a-Bear dog stuffed animal. Like she needs another stuffed toy. But she's right, it is cute. And she'll earn "Cookie Dough" she can spend on summer camp as well. She'll never hit her goal if she doesn't try. Guess I'll be tromping up and down the street with her tomorrow looking for those sales!


Anonymous said...

Way to sell 'em, Violet! ;o)

MOM #1 said...

Great plan! Good Luck!