Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Where did the first half of the week go?

Man, oh man, life just keep flying on by.

On Monday I was consumed with Girl Scout cookies. I had been, shall we say, frustrated, by the lack of communication between our service unit cookie volunteer and me. It was her first year, and yes Juliettes aren't normal. I was spoiled from the past three years when our volunteer was a mom of a Juliette. Well, I talked to two of the council professionals (not my friend by the way, she was tied up). When we pooled our information we came to the conclusion that the volunteer really needed some assistants. It is a lot of work, we're a huge service unit, and she didn't have much transition from the previous people.

So, I e-mailed her and our service unit manager and asked if it would help if I acted like "troop leader" for all the Juliettes selling cookies next year. Contact them, get them their info, take and input their orders, get them their cookies, generally be their point person. I said I couldn't do much more than that, tax season and all (I play the CPA card whenever possible - heck, I studied my brains out for that exam, I should reap the benefits!), but I could help out with the Juliettes. I got back a very happy, yes that would be great. I wish I had thought to offer earlier this year. But with the "do over" trip, it actually would have been hard. There won't be a trip next cookie season. Remind me how excited I am about this next cookie season when I'm saying "why oh why?" Honestly, I'm not sure how it could be any worse than this year. I got myself so stressed out with not knowing things. Next year my control freak will be happy.

This afternoon Violet had her first jewelry class. I was stressed about it too. It was at an art studio we'd never been to, I didn't know where parking was, I didn't know if there was any place where parents could wait or if we had to be outside (on the website and when I called they just talked about where to drop off and pick up the kids). It turned out not to be so bad. It was closer to our house than I thought. There was enough parking for today at least. Violet's class was on the second floor and there was an adjoining room that the instructor said we were welcome to stay in. I did go out and run some errands, but didn't worry when I went back early. Violet seemed to enjoy the class, but didn't say a lot about it. Hopefully she liked it 7 more weeks' worth at least.

Speaking of errands, the weather took a really goofy turn while I was out shopping. It had been sunny and 50 earlier this afternoon. By the time we left it was windy and cloudy. It was snowing sideways by the time I was putting the groceries in the car! I can't wait for February to be over!

Tomorrow is orthodontist. That worry is if Violet will need phase 2 of braces. Mr. I. doesn't think she will need them (read: he doesn't want to spend the money on them). I say if Dr. K says she does, it will much better to do it now, rather than as an adult. But can we afford it? We had dental insurance and two incomes when she had phase 1. Now we just have my income.

In the afternoon we have a tour of a bank set up. No worries about that one.

Hey, what do you know? One thing this week that DOESN'T worry me! I worry too much.

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