Thursday, August 14, 2008

Trying to Remain Calm

I know I came a little unglued at the end of yesterday's post. I just get so upset when people blindly follow the status quo and don't question things. In school my best friend used to tell me "Don't make a scene." She was so wrong. Make a scene. Make a BIG scene. Question authority. Don't believe anything they tell you. Find out for yourself.

To explain why I get so upset over the teachers, let me tell you what is sitting on my desk waiting to be paid later this month. My real estate tax bill for the year. The portion for the schools? $3,700. Yes, I say I have a right to have an opinion about what the teachers contracts' look like.

If the teachers get their way, the current budget cannot meet the expenses. The teachers say it can. The CPAs and financial experts on the school board say it budget will be in the red. Gee, who do I believe? The experts. Not the teachers who seem to think the world revolves around them.

The State of Illinois is a funny creature. It requires that 50% of the school expenses be paid by the tax payers and 50% by the State. The State doesn't actually pay its share. The last figures I remember hearing were that they actually paid about 25%. The budget has been in a shambles so I wouldn't be surprised if that figure has even gone down. The State then requires that the schools not operate in the red or else the state will take them over and the locals will lose control. So how do the schools do that? They up our taxes. And up them and up them.

Yesterday I was trying to calm down. Thinking I was getting overly upset about it all. Then while Violet was in class I read an article by John Taylor Gatto. If you've never read his writings you are missing out. He is incredibly outspoken against the educational system in the U.S. He likens schools to prisons. He is a genius. By the end of the article it was all I could do not to stand up and yell, "Listen up you people, the teachers don't love your children. Many of them don't even like your children. They are only in it for the money. Sure maybe at one time they cared, but now it is about money. Take off your blinders and see!"

Since I was in the library, I stayed seated and didn't stand on the table. I'm planning to go back there today and I figured that wouldn't make me very welcome again.

This morning the newspaper says that the board made the teachers another offer. It didn't give details. The board says it is a very generous offer. The teachers have given no comments to the press yet. I am trying to remain calm.


Ami said...

Yeah, school funding is one of those hot-button issues for me, too. Current per-pupil spending here is a little over seven thousand per child per year. Can you imagine how many kids you could homeschool for the next 5 years or so on that amount of money?

And the more money we give them, the worse the 'product' is.

The general public says magnanimously, "Well, it's worth paying my taxes so we can have an educated populace."

If that's what we were getting, it would indeed be worth it.

Wendy said...

My friend, all property owners have a right to have a say in these matters. I agree with you 100%. We pay property taxes and much of that goes to support public education. You have a right to be pissed.

I also agree with you about making a scene; my husband is like your best friend from school; I'm like you. Some people call it a "scene", and some people call it standing up for what is just.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

We are here...speak up!!! Doesn't it feel better to "talk" about it??? Yes, I agree you DO HAVE A RIGHT to complain, find answers and everything else you are doing!!! I always tell my children if they don't vote, they can't complain about the government. I am now going to tell them if they pay taxes, they also have the RIGHT to complain!!! Thanks for that tidbit of information!!!
I don't follow Florida's school budget, maybe I should!!!
My ear is always open to hear you my friend!!

dariasmama said...

I saw a bumper sticker today that said "The meek shall inherit the gulag." I think that's appropriate in this circumstance. I wouldn't mind the taxes so much (although if I had yours I'd be screaming), if the kids were being educated thoroughly. They aren't though. I have voted and will continue to vote no to property tax increases for the schools. I might be more lenient if they open up chorus, band, and art for my kid sometime in the future.

Fatcat said...

We totally understand. I know reading Gatto will get me worked up so I haven't read much of it.

SabrinaT said...

In the military my kids are entitled to impact aid. It is the funding given to the state we are stationed in. Most military families don't live within the state they pay taxes. It is to help pay for education. What do they do with the money, they use it to pay legal fees when they are sued! Yep, I can see how that helps my kds! NOT@@