Sunday, August 17, 2008

The Day of the Old Lady

This is a great time to be an woman in our middle years. Yesterday (last night, early this morning, I can't keep track of neighboring time zones let alone around the globe) two amazing women came out on top.

Dara Torres won not one but two silver medals in less than an hour. She couldn't wait around for the press to finish taking her picture from the first race when she had to hurry back to the pool to swim again. She's the oldest person to ever qualify for the U.S. Olympic swim team. She's 41, and she's in control. Less than 1/100th of a second kept her first medal from being gold. She's older than the gold and bronze medal winners combined. And she was in her first Olympic competition before either of them were born. That's impressive.

Constantina Tomescu-Dita of Romania won the gold medal in the women's marathon. She's 38. The oldest woman to win the marathon.

In my mind these two women far outshine Michael Phelps who won his 8th gold medal of these Olympics. Not that he isn't great, he is. But he's a 23 year old male. He's supposed to be a great athlete. He's supposed to be a winner. When a woman reaches a certain age we're supposed to take care of everyone else, not follow our own dreams any more. That Dara and Constantina are out there chasing their dreams.

They impress me.


Fatcat said...

Me too.

Very cool.

Wendy said...

MUCH cooler than the Phelps thing. Very true!

Red said...

Because I am not sleeping at night I was able to see these things happen live.

Long live women of age!!!!!!

MOM #1 said...

O! K! I am SO with you on this one.

She's my new crush, but I've still got one on you too, she's my Olympic crush, you're my accountant crush!

I hope I can get in that kind of shape by the time I'm 41. *SIGH*