Saturday, October 31, 2009


As she was getting ready for bed last night, Violet asked me to take her temperature. Yep, 99.7, she had a fever. We did the checklist: body aches - no, headache - yes, sore throat - yes, cough - no, runny nose - yes, stomach ache - no. Everything pointed towards cold. We Tylenoled her and tucked her in.

This morning, 100.7. More Tylenol. Same run down. Same results. Really seems to point towards cold, all except that fever. The Tylenol brought the fever down. She felt good and was bouncing around. Mr. I. talked me into letting her go trick or treating at a few houses, if she promised not to breath on anyone. It was cold and windy. I froze my kickers off. (Notice how he wanted her to be able to go out, but he didn't take her? Yeah, I noticed that too.) I thought Violet hadn't been planning on trick or treating this year anyway, but she said she had wanted to go to a few houses - just not the ones with spooky decorations. I don't know how that changed in the span of her getting sick. I guess the mom is the last to know.

Got home, only went on our block, maybe 10 houses. Checked her temperature again. 101.1. I'm going to kill him.

Anyway, everything still points to cold. All except the fever. She has energy, she isn't achy, she's a little sluggish, but not like you'd expect for the flu. Sigh.

She's getting ready for bed now. Going to do more Tylenol and another good night's sleep. Tomorrow we'll see where the fever is. Then cancel the Monday afternoon Girl Scout get together with her girlfriend, Butterfly, if it is still up. Even if she feels better, but hasn't been without a fever for 24 hours, they aren't going to work in close proximity. I wouldn't want Butterfly that near Violet if Butterfly had been the one sick. I won't do it to her.

We'll start thinking about taking her in too, if it is still up. But hopefully, a good night's rest will do the trick.



Wendy said...

Oh no. Ick. At least sounds like you said - just a cold. It drives me nuts how bouncy Gavin gets when he is sick. I tell him to settle down or his fever will go back up, but I can't keep him in bed! Aaargh!

And husbands are no help, are they? LOL

I hope Violet will feel better after a good night's rest and even better the next day!

MOM #1 said...

Poor Violet. I hope she gets to feeling better soon. Try to settle her down, put a few good DVDs on the TV and wait it out. What else can you do?

I hope she got some good treats from her trick-or-treating.

That'll be a nice surprise when she gets to feeling better.