Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Brine Shrimp

On October 1st, Violet made a brine shrimp hatchery. She had quite a colony going. Problem was, we couldn't figure out how to clean it. The little guys are so small, how do you get the waste and stuff out without scooping them out too? The problem was even worse because we followed the science kit's instructions and used a 2 liter soda bottle cut in half. It isn't very big, or sturdy, or filtered, or oxygenated.

It is a miracle they've lived this long.

Most of them are now dead. There are a few swimming very weakly around. I doubt they'll last much longer.

Am I a bad mom because I am anxiously awaiting the last of them to go? They've been a pain to take care of. I really didn't think they eggs were going to hatch in the first place. I want my desk back. They've been sitting on it with a desk lamp keeping them warm for 4 weeks now. It isn't pretty.

We should have fed them to the bigger fish tank at their prime.

Violet enjoyed having them and watching them hatch and grow. But I don't think she's crushed by them dying either. I'm hoping she doesn't ask to hatch more of the eggs. Maybe if the other eggs get "misplaced" before she thinks about it.

Can I mail anyone hundreds of tiny brine shrimp eggs?

Worst part, the little buggers are too small to put on skewers and dip in cocktail sauce.

I'm a bad mom.

Tee hee.


Ami said...

You could dry them and make a garnish for the salad on your next seafood night?

Mother Mayhem said...
