Thursday, October 8, 2009

Taking the day off

Freakmom style that is.

I have to be on an hour and a half conference call for work this afternoon. And I have to go to the Girl Scout service unit meeting tonight. But other than that, I'm taking off.

What I am doing on my day off (that isn't really off)? I'm going to finish unpacking, and clean bathrooms, and maybe mop the floor that we keep sticking to. I'm going to spend time with Violet doing school work. And I'm going to help her with some Girl Scouty stuff.

But I think I am caught up enough not to have to work furiously all day. I'll take whatever I can get.


MOM #1 said...

A little "off" is better than a whole lot of "on" I always say.

Enjoy the middle of your day!

MOM #1 said...

Oh, Also, I passed a blog award on to you . . . drop on by if you get the chance.

Wendy said...

Sometimes you need a day "off" to be productive. ;)