Monday, October 19, 2009

Another week another to do list

The weekend flew by. That's what happens when you work. I did get a lot accomplished and I feel better about the start of this week. Always good.

Violet and her girlfriend Butterfly worked more on the Get Moving journey for Girl Scouts today. They made their energy pledges (Violet is going to try to use fewer paper products like paper napkins, paper towels, and shhh, she's not telling the whole world this part...less toilet paper - only what is really needed. She's going to kill me one day for sharing so much of her childhood on the internet, isn't she?)

Back to business. Mine is to turn off lights in rooms when I'm not using them and to sleep my computer more. I'm bad about leaving things on because I'm likely to go back to them, eventually. Butterfly is still working on hers, but she thinks she wants to eat more locally grown foods. I told her to take her time.

The girls practiced folding furoshiki cloths. We talked about excessive packaging and about buying bigger boxes versus individual serving sizes. And they started to make coffee cup cozies (you know, like those paper sleeves Starbucks sticks on all the cups to make it easier to hold on to them) out of an old pair of jeans. They measured and cut out the cozies, then decorated them with fabric paint. Next time they'll sew on some Velcro.

This morning I had a dentist appointment, tonight is swim practice, tomorrow is Violet's orthodontist check up. You'll all be proud of me, I asked for help this morning. I asked the lady from the Girl Scout council who is often driving around our area if she'd be near my house later this week. I have a bunch of registration paper work to turn in. She said yes, she'd be happy to pick it up from me on Tuesday afternoon. Yay! One less trip to make. I think Violet and I will go to Trader Joe's after the orthodontist tomorrow instead. Closer and more fun!

Wednesday the three of us are taking the day off and going to the zoo. We all need it. We have a membership so parking and admission are free. And we're going to take sandwiches. The weather is much warmer this week, low 60s, so it will be perfect for going there.

If I don't post much for the next day or two, you'll know why. We aren't home. But at least some of it will be having fun.


Wendy said...

Does Violet have handkerchiefs, so she uses less Kleenex as well? I'm bad about paper towels (as napkins and for cleaning up), and MUST buy cloth napkins and more kitchen towels.

I think this is an excellent endeavor for Violet. We all really create so much waste, that if each of us was more conscientious about it, there might just be less.

The problem is they make all that disposable stuff so darned convenient!

Oh, asking for help is a toughie for me too. When I do, my husband usually looks amazed. ;)

Enjoy the zoo!

Fatcat said...

I always wondered what the eating food grown closer to home meant and finally, today reading your post, I got it - less trucking of food means less energy wasted.


MOM #1 said...

Oh, good for your entire family for helping out with conserving.

I'm so proud of you and Violet for such a great adventure.

I've been really trying to stop buying paper towels altogether, but I've gotten us down to one roll every month and a half or so. I guess that IS better than before . . .I won't tell you how many we went through before. It was a disgrace. It helps to use the select-a-size. They really make you think about using only what you REALLY need.

I love zoos. I especially love going during the day during the week when all the public schooled children aren't there. That's the most fun part of homeschooling, really.

Have fun!

Mother Mayhem said...

Visit the monkeys for me! :o)