Monday, August 31, 2009

First Day

We weren't going to start school until after Labor Day. We had decided that before we realized how late Labor Day is this year. I was going to stick to that. I made a promise. I don't like to go back on things school related.

Then today Violet was bored out of her gourd. She drove me crazy. Which wasn't hard to do because I feel downright awful today. I've been having stomach pains, I'm achy and I'm tired. Could be the flu. Could be bad shrimp fried rice at the outlet mall on Saturday. Could be allergies, mold counts have been through the roof. Or could be fatigue.

Anyway, I ended up yelling at her this afternoon. Felt bad about that. We sat and read outloud later. That's what we always do when we get mad at each other. Cool off, then read together. On the drive to swim lessons I suggested we start school tomorrow, September 1st, instead of waiting. She agreed. That's how bored she was.

I told her it made sense that she was bored. She'd been off since before Memorial Day. Her best friend, Red went back 2 weeks ago and hasn't been around to play. The weather really cooled off so we're taking the pool down early (that and it turned green and we couldn't clear the darned thing up again). I promised a light week to start with.

So when we got home I made up her school list for the rest of the week. Instead of math books her math assignment this week is to do the Math Whiz Badge. Next week she can do the Puzzlers Badge. I didn't think we needed to start out crazy.

Cutting this short to get to bed. First I'm going to have a bowl of Cheerios. That sounds good to my stomach. Normally I'd have a glass of wine and some sort of nuts (honey roasted peanuts are my favorite, but cashews and mixed nuts are always good, also a cajun flavored trail mix - yum!) But tonight my stomach says plain and simple.

I hope I'm feeling better tomorrow. I hate plain and simple. I want my late night snackies.


Gail said...

I love the badge book for things like that -- coming up with alternative math and science projects.

It's sort of a shame that the Fall Product Sale doesn't include bottles of wine. You'd be able to get all of your nighttime snacks that way.

Hope you're feeling better soon.

Ami said...

I'm going to use the Brownie Try-it book at work, but not where the kids can see it. Don't want boys to have a fit. :)

I hope you get over whatever's 'bugging' you soon.

And I don't know about everyone else, but I have yelled at my kids, too.

It's an occupational hazard.

Wendy said...

We were also going to wait until after Labor Day, but then the halfway-across-the-world move threw everything into such chaos, that we were seriously in need of structure. So we started on Monday the 31st.

Isn't it funny when school and structure are the BEST things for children?

I hope your stomach has settled. :)

SabrinaT said...

I hope you feel better soon!
Have a great school year Violet!!

Mother Mayhem said...

Feel better SOON!

Em and I have been sick for about 4 days. A nasty viral cold we caught from my Mom who caught it from my niece. I didn't have a voice for 2 of those days. Jack thought that was nice. Grr.

Hope your first day of school gets you a GREAT start on the school year ahead! :o)

Fatcat said...

I hope you feel better. Congratulations on getting started on school. Sometimes you just know the time is right.