Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Tax refunds came!

Yay! The federal refund arrived yesterday, the state came today. That helps the old savings account a lot! Real Estate taxes will be due before we know it and real estate tax in northern Illinois is HUGE. They are really outrageous. We'd sell our house and move somewhere smaller, but we can't sell without losing boatloads of money because the property values have decreased so much. You'd think that would mean the taxes would go down, but you'd be wrong. See the politicians have a way of making sure you pay your fair share while they just collect huge salaries, even bigger pensions, free health care, and what ever else they can sink their fangs into. The politicians don't give a rat's ass about the taxpayers. They only care about votes.

Now how did such a happy post turn so negative?


Ami said...

Let's see. Why did your post get negative?

Because you realized it was your money all along and you'd just given an interest free loan to the sharks for a year?

Because no matter how you vote, no matter your feelings, and no matter which sphincter is elected, you'll still get screwed again next year?

I'd go with all of the above.

Add my feelings to the above, which I will not do here due to excessive profanity which might make you blush.


Mother Mayhem said...

We used ours to pay our bankruptcy lawyer. Snort.