Friday, November 4, 2011

Thoughts and Ramblings

Here I go again, about to promise to write more. I know, you've heard it all before. You didn't believe me then, you don't believe me now. I got inspired yet again during Classic Moms class this week. I am actually working on a post that is an essay about a book I recently read. My classmates were right, if you don't have someone to discuss a book with, write about it! I'm trying.

Speaking of trying, I'm going to whine for a minute. It is so hard to work, homeschool, volunteer for GS, run the house and help hubby with his new business. I am really tired all the time. Today we went to a school day theater performance: loud show, theater full of kids, great performance by the way, and I was nodding off during it! Sigh. I had to make Violet wait to help her with her math this afternoon because I had a big deadline today and I didn't think I'd get through it - I did, but right at the close of the business day. I just want some time to myself once in a while.

Okay, done with that whine, next stop wine. I'm usually a red drinker, but lately I've been branching out into white.

But first. For all of you who've been jealous of our Juliette groups we have around here, it isn't all roses. I don't want to say much, but too many moms involved and it doesn't work well, not enough moms involved and you do all the work yourself. I have managed to get myself into both situations as the same time. Violet loves both groups. They are both really good for her. The other moms are great, we just all have too many ideas for the available time - now that I think about it, that is a good problem. And I like doing the work to help keep them going. But some days it can be frustrating.

I seem to detect a pattern in my ramblings.

Tomorrow we're going to meet with the insurance agent. We think we can lower our health insurance rates. That would be awesome. His office is back in our old college town. We love to go back. I'd like to take a walk by the lagoon and go to lunch at our favorite Mexican restaurant. Not sure how quickly Mr. I. has to get back home though. I'm not working tomorrow. Woo hoo!

Here's some good news: I just realized this week that I have 12 vacation days I have to use by the end of the year! I miscalculated how much time I get. And with my promotion over the summer, I got more days. Nice problem to have, huh? I'm taking the week of Thanksgiving off. And the week before Christmas. And some random days. Maybe that will help me with my dozing off problems!


Anonymous said...

Sounds like life as usual, eh? Hopefully you do get some time for yourself and more sleep. Woohoo to more vacation days than you realized!

Mother Mayhem said...

Try some mega-vitamins! If it works, let me know so that I can try some! ;o)

Hope you get that walk by the lagoon!

Thank you and Violet for the Tinkerbell! You are incredible Incredibles! HUGS.