Monday, April 11, 2011

Feeling crummy

I think I've overdone it again. I wish I could cut back on some activity or another and get some rest now and then, but I just don't know what can go. I'm not going to give up anything I do for Violet: homeschool, Girl Scouts or just plain being mom. I'd love to cut back at work, but that's not in the cards anytime soon. The electric company and the mortgage people are insistent about bills being paid each and every month. I barely clean the house as it is. Cooking? Well, if you call sticking the night's frozen pizza in the oven cooking... Maybe I need more fresh vegetables.


I've been feeling sick since Saturday night. I actually left the dinner with the girls early because my stomach was getting really, really upset. I've had a headache for 2 days. I can't look at the computer screen for long. I stared at it long enough this morning to determine it isn't a migraine because it doesn't throb. My throat is red.


I called in sick to work today. I was supposed to work on some stuff and be in a staff meeting. I couldn't bear the thought of even sitting on the phone for an hour listening to them hear themselves talk. (You know its what they do, it happens at every single staff meeting that takes place anywhere on the planet. Heck the staff meetings on other planets are probably the same..."did you hear Gork? I didn't think he'd ever shut up! I wanted to slap him with my tentacle!")

I think I just get overexhausted and my body forces me to take time off. I hate that. No one else does anything for me while I'm off. It just piles up.
I've got to feel better tomorrow.

Off to get some sleep.


Ami said...

I hope you feel better soon.

I hear you on the meeting thing... I recently decided to do my required trainings for the year online, and sent this to my supervisor via email, explaining why..

I prefer learning at my own pace without the distraction of at least three classmates who have to tell stories about their brother, their friends, and the one time they did blah blah blah every time there's an opening or gap in the conversation anyway. I get to the point where I'm thinking, "If one more person even clears her throat to speak I am going to go postal, I swear to god..."

And the word I had to type to leave you this comment? Sounds like a magical phrase from an Italian Magician...


Mel said...

My husband is like that. He pushes himself to the brink and just won't rest and then he gets really sick and just HAS to stop. :-(

Mother Mayhem said...

Hug? HUG.

The Old Gray Mare said...

Isn't that the way it goes. When we take a little down time it's because we're sick & are forced to. Feel better soon!!!

Fatcat said...

I hope you feel better soon. I hate when that happens. :-(