Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Well, perkier at least. I am feeling better. I never did figure out what, if anything, was wrong with me. (Insert your own joke.) But I do have more energy back.

Which was a good thing because work kept popping up all day. I couldn't believe how much stuff came up today after the last week or so had been so nice and quiet. I didn't get it all done, but I can work on it more tomorrow. I'm done for the day.

Tomorrow is the crochet class and I'm looking forward to spending 2 hours at the library reading and bumming around. It is close enough that I could drop Violet off and go back for her, but she preferred that I hang out there while she was in the class. I don't mind. How could you object to 2 free hours in a library? They have wifi, so technically I could work, but I'm not going to. Actually, since I cannot confirm how secure their wifi is, it is best I don't work on client projects anyway.

I am rereading The Chosen for the Classic Moms discussion tomorrow night. It is a great book and I thought I'd refresh my memory of it since I read it over Christmas time. Besides, it doesn't make any sense to start a new book right before a book discussion. If I finish it, I'm going to browse through the library's magazines or maybe leaf through some cookbooks. Mainly, I'm going relax and enjoy the peace and quiet.

Actually, our library is so cramped and crowded that there generally isn't any peace and quiet it in. But no one will be asking me to do anything, so that will still count.

Did I tell you I officially became our homeschool group's treasurer this week? We are a mostly online group. My only responsibility is to collect the $2 per family dues that are paid to our state group that we are an affiliate of. I volunteered to collect the dues this year and our contact person asked if I just wanted to be treasurer. Since I'd rather do that than anything else, I agreed. The funny thing is, over the last few years I've almost quit the group a dozen times. Guess I'm not going anywhere.

Except to bed. Good night everyone!

1 comment:

Mother Mayhem said...

You had to drink the virtual Kool-Aid didn't you? Chuckle.

Time to browse quietly in the library is a dream! :o)