Saturday, January 19, 2013


I was actually going to write this post last night, but I was too tired to write about being tired!

I went to the office yesterday.  It was the first time I'd been there since August.  Not a bad schedule.  We had a woman in for an interview or possible networking or some sort of relationship, not sure what they'll work out.  But I wanted to meet her because I will likely end up working with her.  As my fellow manager said, "it is like she's one of us already."  We like her. It was worth the trip in.

Tennis went fine on Wednesday.  Violet was pretty nervous about it, she always is when starting something new.  She thinks this will likely be her last session.  Either way is fine with me.  It is close by our house, I can sit and knit during it, but I'd be happy to stay home and not pay for the classes as well.  Thursday's girl's club (aka Cadettes) got cancelled.  The daughter of the mom who leads it was sick.  We were glad not to be exposed to germs.  We are trying to avoid sickness, but didn't get flu shots.  Let's just say the decision not to get the flu shot didn't sit well with my mom.  If we get sick and die from the flu, she'll kill me.

The week coming up is very light.  Just tennis, maybe girl's club, and art on Saturday.  Violet is at art now.  She isn't sure if she's sticking with that either.  I'm going to encourage her to keep that up a little longer.  But not if she really decides she's done.

I picked up the cookie order form from the office yesterday.  Cookie sales are way down this year.  Usually she sells in the 120-150 box range.  This year it looks like it will be 80-90 boxes.  But for a girl who didn't really want to sell, that's fine.  Fewer cookies to bring home, sort, deliver and collect for.  Four more years after this one.  Then I'm never eating another Girl Scout cookie again.

We are one of the few councils debuting the "snack bars" this year.  Or as Violet and I call them, the "rip off bars."  They are $5 for 5 bars.  Way too expensive.  None of her customers have ordered them.  We were going to try to talk them out of it if they did.  I don't know if the Girl Scouts are trying to claim they are a healthier alternative.  They aren't.  I hope sales of them completely stink.  They took out 2 of our cookie varieties to have them on the form.  We aren't pleased.  But not a lot of decisions Girl Scouts make lately really please us.  Such a disappointment for a girl who so loved the program a couple of years ago. 

The rest of the weekend will include a trip to the library, buying a gallon of milk, working, a little school work, and trying to stay warm as the temperature plummets tonight and tomorrow.  Have a good weekend!

1 comment:

Ami said...

I ordered thin mints from a couple of 'my' kids.

I got fed up years ago with the shenanigans of GSUSA, they're so completely out of touch with reality.

That's what happens when your organization is taken over by a bunch of spoiled, self absorbed yuppie pukes. With Birkenstocks, dark rimmed old man glasses and wooly hats.

Or maybe that's just Portland.