Saturday, October 20, 2012

Remember me?

Yes, I am the AWOL Freakmom.  Many of you just got the Girl Scout e-mail for magazines.  Sorry to send those out.  And doubly sorry that I didn't get the reminder e-mail turned off.  I'm afraid you will all get another notice.  Stupid sales.  Violet has 5 years left of selling stuff (not that I'm counting) and I can't wait to not have to hawk magazines and especially cookies any more!  I swear, I'm not even going to eat another Girl Scout cookie once she's done.  Not that I have issues.  No, I'm one gigantic walking issue! 

Well, what have I been up to?  Here's some highlights (and possibly some lowlights):
  1. Traveled for work:  and went on one family trip.  There was a 24 day period overlapping August and September where I stayed in hotels 15 nights!  Sounds glamorous, doesn't it?  I got bedbug bites during Conference Number Two.  They didn't show up until Family Vacation Trip.  I couldn't figure out what all those red itchy spots were on my legs.  Mr. Incredible and Violet didn't get them.  Then I did some research and found out that the bites can take up to 14 days to show up.  That pinpointed it straight to the Conference.  Sigh.  I still have some itchy spots.  In my armpits.  Seriously.  Life is so glamorous.
  2. Drove Violet to activities: Remember when I couldn't get this girl to sign up for anything?  Boy, that has changed.  She's in 2 Juliette groups, takes art lessons, goes on field trips, starts tennis next week, and joined a volunteer group at the library.  I have decided to just drop her off and pick her up at the other Girl Scout group.  I can't stay and not get involved.  The mom running it does a nice job.  I'm not needed. I'll be at the library with my laptop during the meetings.  Violet will like that better too.
  3. Grew angrier: The election is not helping my anger issues.  It is escalating them.  I need this election to send and end soon. I keep threatening to hit people with big sticks.  Not to their faces.  But later.  Like when I was given a poor review in my annual job performance review.  I was told to manage my stress better.  You people cause all my stress!  There's a bit more to that which I can't post, which is stressful.  Stress causes anger.  Anger makes me want to hit things with a big stick. 
  4. Hung out at Abigail Adams Academy:  I've been helping out behind the scenes, mostly with registration.  I've taken over accepted moderation duties of the Yahoo Group for students.  And I've been taking the Colloquium class this year.  I do so enjoy hanging out with the ladies over there.  I actually read some Shakespeare and was able to discuss it semi-intelligently!  Go me!  
  5. Worried about finances: Review point number 3, anger issues.  Those big sticks can get expensive. 
  6. Worked:  besides the conferences, I've worked here at home too.  Trying to get to the office is so disruptive to school and family that I've missed some meeting I maybe shouldn't have.  But on their death bed, no one ever regrets not going to more meetings.  We'll have to see what the short term effects are.  Probably another bad performance review.  My life is an endless, itchy cycle.
  7. Wore my skirts: Remember the ones I made.  They worked great for the conferences!  I love them!  I do want to make a black one.  I think that would really fit in nicely.  Neither Violet or I have done any sewing, but we really haven't been home!  She has some Christmas sewing planned.
  8. Adopted a kitten:  Preki Cat, who posed so beautifully on the quilt in my last blog post, died peacefully at home shortly after that photo was taken.  Before she died we had made plans to adopt a kitten, Bubbles.  Bubbles' mom, Blanche, had been recently adopted by my in-laws.  Then they learned Blanche was expecting.  Violet got the pick of the litter.  We think she did a good job choosing.  Bubbles has been a very good addition to the family.  We miss Preki.  She was a good kitty.  
I think I'll end for now on that good note.


Anonymous said...

Pshaw! The email is fine and it came just as I was thinking, "It's been a long time since Freakmom blogged..."


Yeah, the election makes me grumble. Hubby told me to avoid it, and so I am.

With everything going on around you, I don't blame you for wanting to hit things with a big stick! But glad the skirts worked out. I remember them. :)

Aw, may Preki rest in peace. And may Bubbles bring much joy to all of you.

Gail said...

I'm so sorry about Preki.

Also sorry about the other stuff - the bed bugs, the stress, and all. But yay for the new kitty, the skirts, the new activities that are going well.

Fatcat said...

It's good to hear from you. Eew, bedbugs are a phobia of mine. I try to religiously read hotel reviews to make sure we don't get them, but you can't always know.

Glad to hear it's mostly a good busy.

I'm mostly not enjoying how angry the election is making everyone. I try not to follow it too much. :-/

Fatcat said...

sorry about the bad performance review. That sucks.

Ami said...

Ahh the anger issues. Yep, you're the ONLY person who has them. The rest of us are fine, I wonder what's wrong with YOU?

And performance reviews. What a crock of shit. They're just like report cards in high school... no one really cares.

Corporate performance reviews are designed to avoid giving raises, basically. So fuck 'em. Can I say that word here? Feel free to delete my comment, I won't be offended if you do.

Mel said...

Nice to see an update. Sorry about all the bad stuff but glad to see the good things balancing it out like a new kitty!

Mel said...

Glad to see a new update! Sorry about the bad stuff but happy to see good things balancing it out like a new kitty!