Monday, October 22, 2012

Light Week

This is such a nice, quiet week.  There's just Cadettes (the group I called "girl's club" because the mom who runs it isn't a trained GS leader, the girls aren't a troop, and I don't think many of the others are even registered, they just use the GS programming. Can you tell I don't approve?  All the more reason for me to drop off and go.  I like the other families involved, I really do.  I just have different Girl Scout beliefs than they do.), and a library program that Violet will be a volunteer at.  It must be our quietest week in months. 

At work, most of the partners and managers in my department are out of state at conferences, that I didn't have to go to!  Woo hoo!  So I do have a few more things to handle, but so far it hasn't been bad.  And when the cats are away, they aren't making up projects for the mice to do.

Speaking of mice, they are back.  We hear them in the walls at night.  Mr. Incredible thinks they are getting in through the garage.  He's set up a bunch of live traps.  Yesterday he caught 4.  He lets them go in the backyard.  I think he needs to tag them so he can see how many times he lets each one go.  Today there haven't been any in the traps.  He didn't leave the traps set while he was out at work today.  He knows Violet and I aren't very responsible for checking them and letting the mice go. 

Bubbles is well on her way to being a mouser.  She's caught 2 so far.  None recently.  She finds them in the basement and we think the mice have figured that out, hence them in the garage.  She is learning the fine art of mousing from "Uncle Alexi" and "Uncle Marbles" our other 2 cats.  By the way, Uncle Alexi isn't fond of her.  He tolerates her. But mostly he acts like a grumpy old grandfather who'd rather be left alone to snooze in his recliner.  Uncle Marbles will way his tail for her play with. 

On tap tomorrow: a trip to the library to pick up a bunch of books that came in on hold.


Fatcat said...

Wow, you really are committing to blogging again. Way to go.

Uncle Marbles may be my favorite cat name ever. For a long time I've wanted to name a cat Mrs. Norris. :-)

Mel said...

We get mice in our garage too, thankfully haven't found any more in the house in a long time. I think our problem will ease up once all the land is developed around us, still a lot of empty lots in our housing development plus a cherry grove one street over. Eventually they are cutting all of it down. I will be glad even though it will be sad to see all those trees go. I like all your updates, maybe you will inspire me to blog again.