Wednesday, July 8, 2009

The week thus far

We've been keeping busy this week. I've had a lot going on at work. I'm glad, the hours are welcome. I just wish I could figure out a way to get paid for a lot of hours without actually working a lot of hours. (Insert your own teacher/civil servant/other profession joke here.)

One of the managers resigned on Monday. I'm sorry to see her go. She's good. She's nice. But....they will need someone to take over some of her assignments. There is a hiring freeze on, but I've heard that they will have to hire someone new for our department. But that's never very quick and who knows, depending on who they hire, they may still need me to pick up more hours.

Which has me I try to make the switch from part-time to full-time? See if they'll hire me? That would throw a huge wrench into homeschooling and probably not allow us to continue. (Yes, I know others work full-time and homeschool. But, I know my don't. I know my don't. Don't judge me without knowing the full situation.) With Mr. I. still working full-time and starting up his own company, he doesn't have much free time at all.

The timing is just off by about a year. Maybe less. That and I really don't want to. But the income potential is good. It is tempting.

Good news, sort of. Mr. I's company's lease is up at the end of this month. I've been figuring that might be when they fold. But he just said they were looking to sublet part of an office from another company. We may have a few more months of salary and health insurance.

Friday morning I have to leave early for an all-employee meeting at work. It is about an hour and a half drive. Then I have to come home, change, eat lunch, pack the car and Violet and drive an hour and a half the other direction to our second camping trip of the summer. It is going to be a long day.

This session is an overnight. We enjoyed it last year, except for the weather. Guess what is predicted for this year? The same: heat, humidity and storms. I told Violet the only thing I want to do at camp is tie dye our shirts. She can pick all other activities. If she wants she can pick to hang out at the pool the entire day Saturday. She just might.

We arrive Friday night, have dinner, s'mores, then a night swim. Then after breakfast the next morning we pick from a bunch of activities. We have lunch, then pick more activities. Then we head home. Nice, huh? We think so.

Relaxing by the pool all morning and afternoon certainly does have a certain appeal.

1 comment:

retha said...

Hope your weather man got it wrong this time!

It is difficult to make such (work issues) decisions. Without it being made more difficult by outsiders telling you what to do. Are these busy bodies trying to tell all other groups of people how to live, are us H/sers too sensitive or are they trying to live only our lives? I do not know, I get angry before I can analyse these.