Monday, February 18, 2008

Summer camp application time already

This has been a nice way to day dream about things warmer than the 10 degree weather outside: I've been completing our Girl Scout Resident Camp applications for next summer.

Violet has decided not to go back to our council's home camp in Northern Wisconsin next summer (boo hoo, I'll miss it there!). But instead to try out two of the neighboring councils' camps closer to home. After next October our realignment will begin and these other councils will be joined with us anyway, so by next summer they will be our home camps too.

Actually, she made a great decision. She knows our home camp so well, this is a great way for her to get to see two other camps she might want to return to in a summer or two on her own. We'll be gone the same number of nights (a total of 3) and we can just drive on our own to both of these camps. One of them is the camp I used to go to as a Girl Scout.

In other Girl Scout news, we get our cookies this weekend. And I am resisting the really strong urge to join the volunteer committee that works with residents camps. I so want to join. I'm just spread too thin right now. Maybe if some of my other commitments end. It isn't like the need for volunteers is ever going to go away.

Finally, in NIU news. Virginia Tech held a candlelight vigil for the NIU students. Reading about it made me cry again. I chatted this afternoon with my friend who still works on campus. He said he's heard from more old friends in the past few days than he has in years. I assured him that even when we don't call and write that often doesn't mean we've forgotten. (He laughed when I mentioned the hot dog stand "The Weenie Guy" he said, "I haven't been by there in years!")

And I asked the HR manager at my company if we could post the NIU black ribbon on our company's website through the memorial next weekend (classes resume on Monday). She loved the idea and made it happen. That felt good.


Anonymous said...

Step away from the Kool-Aid!

Wendy said...

Time to prep for summer camp, seriously? Wow. I loved Girl Scouts when I was a child.

I wouldn't mind sending my son away for a few days, at least...

This whole college-shooting thing is really awful. When it happened to us here at Delaware State, I told my husband to be damn careful at school. And my sister works there. I told her to "duck and cover" if anything happened!

It is awful throughout our nation, that the way kids (or anyone) cope with their problems is through violence.

Ami said...

I'm pretty tired of cookies just about now. Not tired of eating them, I am on a different eating plan... but tired of cases of cookies stacked on every available surface. Can't leave 'em on the floor in case the dog decides she'd like a few.

I'm as horrified as you over the school shooting. What a shame. I don't know how our society became so ill.