Thursday, September 20, 2007

She should trust me more

Violet and I are working our way through Janice VanCleave's "Dinosaurs for Every Kid." Each chapter has a few pages of reading, some quick exercises and an activity. We did the chapter on geologic time periods today. The activity was to use a roll of adding machine tape to show how old the earth is and how short of time humans have been on earth. (My apologies to creationists, but we are an evolution family.)

When Violet learned there was going to be no messy model making today or water splashing anywhere she was disappointed. Claimed she only likes experiments, not things like that. I said just do it anyway. It won't take long.

Part way through I hear a "cool!" from her. Later she's laying down next to the tape to see how tall she is among the time periods. Then she's got her toys out measuring them too.

Tonight when Mr. Incredible gets home I'll bet dollars to donuts she'll be showing him the whole thing too.

She really should give my lessons a chance before declaring them boring. I actually know a thing or two.


Daisy said...

Even though I'm a creationist, I can see the benefit of this experiment.

Did Violet measure the Dashes too?

The Old Gray Mare said...

When she's 40, she'll give you credit for actually knowing a thing or two.

Fatcat said...

Way to go mom!

Anonymous said...

Don't you love how you can be creative when teaching!!!
Awesome idea!!! I may have to "steal" it!!! LOL!!
I love your blog!!!