Wednesday, August 15, 2007


Promotions were just announced at work. I hate this time of year. I'm not in the running for any sort of promotion. Probably never again. I can't do all that I do at home, which yes, is more important, and be out their working hard enough to get a promotion and a new title. It is just hard seeing those that I trained get them. They are getting new titles, new offices, new respect. I don't even have a cubicle in the office anymore since I work at home all the time. Yes, jealousy is rearing its ugly head.

I know, many of them would give all that up to be home with their kids and not commute in, and not have to deal with clients, coworkers, bosses, etc. on such a frequent basis. I wouldn't want to trade. That still doesn't make it easy.

I have my annual review coming up in a few weeks. (Don't get me started on who will watch the kid during it, I haven't begun to figure that out!) I'm thinking of asking if I can have a new title. That's going to be a big deal in our stodgy accounting firm. But the old one I've had for 10 years really doesn't reflect what I do any more. And since I'm never looking to get the next title in the regular path, manager, maybe I wouldn't be totally off base. I'm thinking Senior Healthcare Researcher. I'm the only one who does the majority of the research and they are always telling me what an important role I fill. It would really perk me up if they'd even consider it.

Just call me freak accountant.


Quill said...

Certified Researcher Freak?

Freakmom said...

Freak First Class?