Monday, August 27, 2007

I can't even talk to other moms anymore

Public school started today. We started our homeschool back up too. It went really well. Until the end of the day when the neighbor called to see if the kid wanted to go over and play for a few minutes until dinner. The weather had turned nice, after being cruddy all day, and they were getting some fresh air. I said she could go, she just needed to finish her last couple of pages of math.

Well, wouldn't you know I'd start getting ribbed. I know it was just teasing, but Freak Mom is tired of being teased. It is too much like being criticized. Freak Mom is tired of being criticized.

"You teachers are so mean."

Yeah, like you'd let your kids play if they didn't have their homework done. 4 pages of math had been on the schedule all day long. Granted we'd been busy with other work but I didn't see why she should let it slide.

If I let her out of her work then I'd hear about how all homeschool kids do is play all day.

She finished up and I walked her over. There were two of them talking. About public school, and how wonderful would be when the littlest ones were in preschool because they were learning so much already at home and they were so bored, so ready for school. Sigh, welcome to my world ladies. You try to make every single subject fun and interesting every day. Potentially for 13 years.

I mentioned I had to go back and finish cleaning up the kitchen. We'd been studying cooking and I needed to put stuff away before making dinner.

"If she wants to cook she should just come to my house, I make my kids cook all the time."

Thanks, you just belittled the one area of our curriculum that we are really, really excited about down to an everyday occurrence.

I know I am overly sensitive. But I am so sick of non-homeschoolers perceptions' of homeschooling. I should just stop talking to everyone.


dariasmama said...

"I make my kids cook all the time..."

"How nice for you. I meant more than tv dinners and nuclear burritos, but at least your children won't starve. Excuse me....."

Elle said...

Public school moms crack me up.