Thursday, November 25, 2010

Now for some good craft work

Ever wonder what Violet does when I'm tied up with work? She goes through the craft books and makes awesome projects. Like these spool people. We couldn't find any wooden spools, but her grandfather came to the rescue with dowel rod:

Those are umbrellas that they are holding. The brown coil is an umbrella stand.

Isn't she talented? I should leave her without adult supervision more often.


Ami said...

The dowel idea is genius. :)

Love the little spool people. Pipe cleaners are our friends.

Mel said...

Those are cute!

Freakmom said...


I told it to "publish" a nice comment by Kate in NJ and for some reason it rejected it. Here is what Kate had to say:

Those are adorable...P is much the same..give her time alone and she will make a ton ;-)

Sorry about that. I guess it could have been user error. But I doubt it. ;)