Saturday, February 1, 2014

Groundhog Eve

My long time readers will know, Groundhog Day is a big deal around here.  The movie Groundhog Day was filmed in Woodstock, just down the road.  (I like say we're from Woodstock, we just live a little outside the city limits - about 10 miles within the city limits of another town.)  Mr. I's business is in Woodstock, on the Square - which played the part of Punxsutawney in the film.  Today is Groundhog Eve and there's tons to do to prepare for Woodstock Willie's appearance tomorrow morning.  (Who's the Phil guy people talk about?  Willie is the true groundhog.)

All weekend the movie is playing at the local theater for free.  Where else can you go to see a movie that's more than 20 years old?  Expect a crowd.  There was a bowling event benefiting a group Mr. I is involved with.  You could go on the walking tour of the sites - but I wouldn't recommend it.  It snowed all day and is cold.  You can do the same tour in the summer.

Want to see more Woodstock?  Check out the Wikipedia link.  The store Sewing Concepts in one of the photos? That's where Violet learned to sew a couple of summers ago.

Other movies have been filmed here (well, one or two at least, parts of them) but none have captured the hearts of the locals like Groundhog Day. 

So set your alarm clock, you don't want to miss it!


Ami said...

How fun! I didn't know all that. :)

I feel really sorry for all the little groundhogs that get pulled out of their burrows tomorrow... I'm like a bear, wanting to seriously slap someone across the head for waking me.

The founding groundfathers picked a smaller creature on purpose, I think.
One that couldn't deliver a lethal blow.

Fatcat said...

Aw, I'd love to see that movie again. It's been a while. I might have to see if Netflix has it ...
