Friday, April 9, 2010

Nature Art

On Earth Day, Violet is going to complete the Girl Scout badge, Outdoor Creativity. In a nutshell it is about being creative (art, poetry, writing, etc.) in and about the outdoors. She'd like to concentrate on art projects. We've thought of nature photography and painting or drawing what she sees outside. I was wondering if anyone had any not-too-difficult art projects that involve the outdoors or nature.


Ami said...

Paint rocks with acrylic paints.

Gather rocks and glue them together to make animals or people or cars or trees or??? Add googly eyes.

Make a mobile from sticks and different sized stones and some hemp string.

Leaf prints.

Bark creatures.

Press flowers or dry them and make things out of them.

Those are off the top of my head.
There may be more things in the bottom of my head that will surface now that I've gotten started.

Come chat tonight.

Ami said...

Came back to leave you a link...

I love the stuff from this website, it's all easy for kids to do.

And I am glad you came to chat.


MOM #1 said...

Ami took all my ideas. ;-)

I read your last post too, but I was too lazy to comment twice. I'm glad you're alive and well.
