Saturday, May 4, 2013


I hate pressure.  I hate stress.  I long for days when I have nothing to worry about.  I'm sure that will never happen.  I've had a horrible stabbing pain in my neck and shoulder for 3 weeks now.  I'm sure it is job stress related. 

One thing I dislike about my job is the last minute, high pressure, intensity of it.  You'd think I was a trauma surgeon or on the bomb squad.  But no, I'm an accountant.  When I went off to become an accountant I never dreamed there would be stress and high pressure involved.  It is just crunching numbers right?  Sit in your little cubicle and make sure the columns and rows all add up, then go home.  Nice and neat and tidy.

I was wrong.  People yell.  They get intense.  They put off stuff and it becomes your problem.  They yell more.  They make promises that can't be kept then make you keep them.  Even though I don't actually crunch numbers anymore, the pressure is there all the time.  Different pressure, but there.

I don't recommend a career in accounting to anyone.  I got my degree following the advice that I could work anywhere with it and always have a job.  Probably true.  But no one said anything about the yelling.  Or the pressure and stress. 

I've figured it out, I wish to work at the mini-golf place.  Handout the putters and score cards.  Sell bottles of water.  Sweep the greens.  Hose off the castle.  Occasionally repaint the windmill.

But no.  I went the safe and easy route.   Please tell them it isn't my fault we don't have enough people to get all the promised work done.  I said we needed help.  They insisted we were properly staffed.  They are going to work me until I have a stroke.

If you need me, I'll be pulling golf balls out of the alligator's mouth and washing bird poop off the giant gorilla.  Or at least dreaming of it.

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