Sunday, February 26, 2012

Where did the weekend go?

All of a sudden it is Sunday night! I have no idea how the weekend slipped by like that. Well, yes, I do know, I was too busy.

My father-in-law stayed with us Friday night. He helped Mr. Incredible mount a large display in his office. His landlords gave it to him. They didn't want it in their office any more. It will be wonderful when Mr. I has clients over and they are looking at a website he is designing for them. There were complications and delays, but the monitor is mounted!

I worked all day Saturday. Left before anyone was up. Well, Mr. I was getting up as I took off. Work was smooth. Don't tell anyone, but my to do list is manageable right now. They brought in bagels for breakfast and pasta for lunch. I don't know where the pasta was from but the lasagna was really good! Catered meals is a definite perk of working on the weekend.

Saturday evening Violet went to a birthday party. She had a great time. It was small, quiet, laid back, casual. Exactly her kind of gathering! The birthday girl had another friend there that Violet had never met. We were bummed to learn the other friend lives quite far away. She and Violet hit it off and we would have liked to add her to the Juliettes who meet at our house. Well, you never know when paths will cross again.

Today I did our taxes. We're getting refunds! Hooray! That will help a lot. I filed electronically. Cross your fingers the State of Illinois has money to pay out their refunds. Not that they've said they won't. But they don't pay a lot of their bills. Certainly not timely. The state is in a fiscal mess. Up a fiscal creek without a paddle or a canoe. Heck, I don't even think we have a river any more. The crooked politicians probably sold them just before they were carted off to prison.

I don't have much faith in my home state, do I? Sadly, I'm not alone. Even non-cynical people have lost hope.

Where was I before I went on an Illinois bash? Yes, the weekend. Taxes took up most of the day, then it was cleaning and prep for the school week. I tried to get a little done for Girl Scouts, but I didn't get too far. I'm trying to come up with some suggestions for the Cadette group's 100th anniversary party. I did decide to have my Juliette group (I swear it is so confusing having 2 groups!) make t-shirt tote bags. I like that this set of instructions was made by a Girl Scout as part of her Gold Award project.

And now it is 9:00 pm. Maybe next weekend there will be extra time.

We have some exciting things this week: Violet has the first of an 8 week Jewelry class and a tour of a bank. And some chores: tomorrow we turn in the cookie money and the cookies donated to soldiers at the council office. I'm hoping to run into my friend, Director of Product Sales, to complain about our lack of communication from our service unit. And of course, we'll browse the shop!

Finally, in cold news. I'm barely coughing. Violet has a few coughs now and then. Mr. Incredible is starting to lose his voice. Did I mention laundry, dishes and more bathroom cleaning that was done this weekend? Ugh. March can't get here soon enough!


MOM #1 said...

Y'all were busy! I hope the upcoming week wont be too much. Happy Sunday!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the refunds and here's hoping you receive them!

It sounds like you are finally much better. Don't you dare get sick again. ;)