Saturday, July 16, 2011

Thrift Store

On a whim we stopped at our thrift store this afternoon. We weren't looking for anything in particular. But we found a couple of good buys.

We got a white coffee mug with little Apple logos in red all around it. I wasn't familiar with the all red logo, so I wasn't 100% convinced it really was the Apple logo. Violet was sure, and she has better eyesight than I do. We got it for Mr. Incredible who is a huge Mac fan. Mr. I. looked online when we showed it to him. He didn't find a date or origin, but did find a dealer selling one as a rare collectible for $25. We paid $1.

(Which by the way, is a little high for thrift store prices. Our thrift store is a boutique thrift store and tends to be a bit pricy. But their profits go to some really great local organizations including one that helps adults with disabilities get job training and learn to live on their own or in small groups, and our county homeless shelter. As another "by the way" our homeless shelter is trying to build a permanent facility. Currently it is a "traveling" shelter. It is housed at 7 different churches, each one night a week. They need all the $1's they can get since they really could do more great work with a permanent shelter. I feel good shopping at our thrift store.)

Where was I? Yes, great find number 2. Violet got a box set of 3 books, still shrink wrapped. The series is called "Three Swishy Mermaid Tales". She had read the first book but didn't know there were more. The original Borders price tag said $17.95. We paid $5.

I bought graduation thank you cards, an unopened box of 20 cards for $1. You see, I keep talking about how next Spring we'll have an 8th grade graduation party for Violet. After we had the cards at home for about an hour, it finally connected in my brain. Violet is starting 7th grade this fall. She won't graduate 8th grade in the Spring. I mean, homeschoolers are smart and Violet is tops, but gosh that would be pushing it.

Talk about your brain lapses!

Now I just need to not lose the cards in the next year and a half! If I don't lose them and she gets to use them, then that will also qualify for a great find.


Ami said...

well, with the good deals you got on the mug and the books, even if you lose the cards or never use them... you still came out ahead.

And I LOVE thrift stores.

Anonymous said...

We love thrift stores! My daughter has all her friends going now! We find the best clothes!!!
I find tons of school and craft supplies! I think I need a thrift fix!!!